Team 1 Plastics Receives All-Time Highest NPS on Customer Satisfaction Survey


What is the importance of a customer satisfaction survey?  This question is a critical one to ask when running a successful business.  According to SmartCapitalMind, “The importance of customer satisfaction is that it maintains client loyalty through exceptional customer service, which, in turn, can lead to growth in market share and profitability.  Customer satisfaction also generates a positive company image.  Clients who are pleased by positive employee attitudes and efforts will keep coming back and likely will inform others of their positive experiences.”

Team 1 Plastics, a plastic injection molding company for the transportation industry, has understood the importance of a customer satisfaction survey for many years.  How can a business claim to be “Your #1 Team in Customer Satisfaction” unless they can stand behind that claim, right?  This March, Team 1 sent their Customer Annual Satisfaction Survey to customer contacts and received 10 responses.  The 2023 Customer Annual Satisfaction Survey, administered through Survey Monkey, included eight questions and an open-ended comment box to give feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the company.  Question #1 can be seen in the image above and asks the customer to rate on a scale of 0-10, “How likely is it that you would recommend Team 1 Plastics to a friend or colleague?”  When revisiting the SmartCapitalMind quote about customer satisfaction surveys, this question is directly related to their customers’ likelihood to “inform others of their positive experiences;” providing Team 1 with an annual Net Promoter Score (NPS).


2023 Net Promoter Score – the highest NPS in Team 1 Plastics history

Since implementing the Customer Annual Satisfaction Survey, Team 1 Plastics has always asked their customers if they would recommend them to other companies, but only with Yes/No answer choices.  Team 1 Plastics Owner and President Craig Carrel explains, “We received 90-100% scores but [we] liked the NPS as a way to benchmark us against our competition.  Someone told me about it and then I researched it and found out that it has become the ‘gold’ standard for customer satisfaction ratings.”  Not only does the NPS allow Team 1 to compare themselves to others in the industry, but it also allows them to see how their scores have grown over time.  Carrel shares how this has benefited Team 1 since beginning the NPS in 2016.  “We have seen a steady rise in our scores from 30-20 (good) to over 70 the last four years (exceptional/world class).” 

With an all-time highest NPS of 90 in 2023, Team 1 has proven to be
“Your #1 Team in Customer Satisfaction.”

According to Survey Monkey, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures customer loyalty and “represents the percentage of your customers who are promoters of your company or brand.”  Depending upon the customer’s answer to this question, they are placed into one of the three categories: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.

Below we see Survey Monkey’s explanation for each category.

The total NPS is calculated by subtracting the Detractor percentage from the Promotor percentage.  Out of the 10 total respondents, Team 1 Plastics had 9 Promoters (90%) and no Detractors (0%), ultimately receiving an NPS of 90 for 2023.  Additionally, Team 1 Plastics received positive feedback in the open-ended comments, including the one quoted below:
“ I enjoy working with the Team 1 associates.  All communicate on a professional level to avoid
interruptions to our production lines. They all do a great job!


When interpreting the results for each Customer Annual Satisfaction Survey, Team 1 Plastics needs to focus on both the positive and negative responses.  Although the 2023 results were mostly positive, not all years fair so well for the company.  In years past, when negative feedback has been received, Team 1 made it a priority to follow up with those customers via face-to-face meetings.  According to a 2017 article published in Team 1’s Plastics Pipeline Blog, Team 1 Customer Service Department explained, “We take this time to meet with them to discuss their concerns and the steps we have taken to help correct current issues and prevent future issues.  And that only increases the customer’s satisfaction and retention.”

Customer service has been and always will be important to Team 1 Plastics.  It is through their Customer Annual Satisfaction Survey that the company’s NPS will continue to serve as an indicator of customer loyalty.  By providing world-class customer service, Team 1 hopes to see the NPS increase annually while ideally gaining new customers through referrals.

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