Profile of Team Member – Anthony Merringer
“Building an exceptional company is the result of building exceptional teams with exceptional people.”
Team 1 Plastics, a plastic injection molding company for the mobility industry, has been and continues to be a successful company because of our exceptional team. Today, we will introduce one of these exceptional people, Anthony Merringer, as we continue a series of articles profiling our team members.

Name: Anthony Merringer
Current Position: Machine Maintenance Specialist
Date of Hire: 11/20/2017
What is your favorite story or memory during your time working at Team 1?
Anthony said that his favorite memory was at the Winter party that he and his wife attended in February 2019 at Marshall Lanes. “We had a great time just hanging out with everybody.” Anthony described the atmosphere as very casual, “Everybody was dressed down, and no one was being official.”
How has Team 1 helped your personal and/or professional development?
“Lots and lots of training!” Anthony said. He explained that although his previous employment position was in maintenance, he had worked on totally different types of equipment. “I came into the plastics industry from a gas company, which meant learning a whole new skill set.” Team 1 Plastics has supplied Anthony with both on-the-job training as well as formal training. He was one of two Maintenance Team Members who participated last year in Yushin Robot Maintenance training in Warwick, Rhode Island.
What is your favorite aspect of working at Team 1?
Anthony’s favorite aspect of working at Team 1 is that “everybody around here is like family, and Management genuinely cares about their employees.” He added that he has worked at “some companies where you truly knew that they didn’t care. It’s actually quite a nice change!”
What do you want to share about your life outside of Team 1?
Anthony is married and loves to spend time with his three boys: Ethan who is 5 years old, Remington who is 3 years old, and Evan, a four-month old newborn. Although he described himself as an outdoors man – likes to hunt, fish, and camp – Anthony admitted that he hasn’t had much time recently to do those activities because he had been busy remodeling their home. Now that the house is done, Anthony is hoping for more opportunities to get outdoors. “I’m hoping to take the boys on a fishing trip this summer. They love to do that.”
Do you have any advice and/or encouragement for future Team 1 team members?
Anthony’s piece of advice is “You get out exactly what you put into this company. If you come in, willing to learn and work hard, then you’re going to succeed really well at Team 1.”
Now for a totally random question:
What is your favorite breakfast cereal?
Anthony said that he’s a “little old school” when it comes to cereal. His favorite? “It’s a close race between Honey Bunches of Oats and [Kellogg’s] Corn Flakes.”
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