Profile of Team Member – Danielle Sheldon
“Building an exceptional company is the result of building exceptional teams with exceptional people.”
Team 1 Plastics, a plastic injection molding company for the transportation industry, has been and continues to be a successful company because of our exceptional team. Today, we will introduce one of these exceptional people, Danielle Sheldon, as we continue a series of articles profiling our Team Members.
Name: Danielle Sheldon
Current Position: Marketing Assistant
Other Positions Held: Production Assistant, Trainer
Date of Hire: 11/1/2021
What is your favorite story or memory during your time working at Team 1?
During her first employment with Team 1 Plastics in 2016, Danielle hired in as a Production Assistant (PA). It was not long before she was offered an opportunity to develop Team 1’s first PA Training Program. “I worked hard those first few months as PA and that hard work was noticed quickly by multiple Captains and Managers,” Danielle shares. “I was new to the company but was eager to learn how I could help Team 1 improve their retention rate of PAs while also reducing production-related errors.” Being named as the new Trainer was no easy task and came with lots of research in every department. It was important for Danielle to understand how the performance of the PAs impacted other departments, and the company as a whole. “After a few months of research and development, I was so proud to unveil the new PA Training Program. It was like my little baby that I developed from the ground up and still to this day is one of my biggest accomplishments at any job.”
How has Team 1 helped your personal and/or professional development?
Returning to Team 1 has been a total life change for Danielle. Struggling with anxiety and depression, she chose to leave her position as a school paraprofessional after three years; allowing her some time to focus on her mental health. “When I felt ready to go back to work, I happened to stumble upon an opening for an at-home Marketing Assistant with Team 1,” explains Danielle excitedly. “Marketing was a total shift from my career in Social Work. It was scary making such a huge change, but I am so happy that I did.” With her position as a Marketing Assistant, Danielle has been able to showcase and improve upon her writing and creativity skills. “As a Social Worker, the only writing I was able to do was with documentation and there really is not any creativity in that. I have also learned a lot about design, while creating things like graphics and videos.”
What is your favorite aspect of working at Team 1?
“I really love working from home. The flexibility in my schedule allows me to be there for my kids when they need me.” Danielle is also grateful for the people at Team 1 who have made her feel welcomed back after being away from the company for five years. “Working from home, I do not see the Team Members often, but every time I do come into the building I am greeted with smiles.” Additionally, her boss, Team 1’s President and Co-Owner Craig Carrel, has made Danielle feel like a valued Team Member. “Craig regularly tells me how impressed he is with the quality of my work and trusts my intuition with certain things. He is understanding when I have to adjust my hours for my kids, and consistently acknowledges when I work hard.”
What do you want to share about your life outside of Team 1?
Danielle is married to her middle school sweetheart, has two children (ages 11 and 5), and an English Bulldog named “Chunks.” She enjoys singing karaoke at home, calligraphy, and cake decorating; while vacationing with family is one of her favorite ways to spend her down time.
Do you have any advice and/or encouragement for future Team 1 team members?
“Get your foot in the door and work hard. There are so many opportunities for advancement within the company, and it is easy to move up. Also, the people here are great; making it a very enjoyable place to work!”
Now for a totally random question:
What is your favorite holiday flavor?
This was an easy one for Danielle. “Pumpkin EVERYTHING! Right around Autumn time, I start the obsession and it usually doesn’t stop until after Christmas. I am talking pumpkin flavored donuts, coffee, creamer, snack cakes, and the smell of pumpkin candles. I really can’t get enough!”
Jeffery Carrel says:
Danielle Sheldon says:
John L Daly says: