Position: Quality Engineer

Position: Purchasing Manager / Planner

Date of Hire: 8/1/2016

Other Positions Held / Length of Each: Floor Captain – 7 months

Favorite Story / Memory during Time Working at Team 1: Marcus said that his favorite memories are times when Team Members have dressed up in costumes for special events, such as Halloween and monthly dress-up days. “I like seeing who participates and what they dress up as. They are very creative.” Each Halloween, several Team Members coordinate their outfits and participate in the Harrington Elementary School’s Halloween parade. Recent years have included Peter Pan characters, Sharks, and Trolls. Marcus said that he remembers participating in the St. Patrick’s dress-up day and the wearing of the green.

How has Team 1 helped your Personal and/or Professional Development? It’s Marcus’ skill with Microsoft® Office Excel software that has been developed during his time at Team 1. Excel is a key tool used in production planning and scheduling. “You can do a lot with Excel. In my current position, I’ve had to hone in and enhance my Excel skills.”

Favorite Aspect of Working at Team 1: Out of all the different companies at which Marcus has been employed, he said that Team 1 Plastics is the most family oriented and puts the Team Members and their families’ needs first. “If something’s going on [in your family], they understand. This is not a huge conglomerate where they don’t know you. They say, ‘This is what you need to do’” in encouraging the Team Members to do what’s necessary to take care of their families.

What do you want to share about your life outside of Team 1? Marcus said, “I come to Team 1 to work, and then I go home to work!” referring to Battin Farms Equine and Soldier Sanctuary, the non-profit horse rescue farm that he and his wife, Laurie started. The farm not only rescues horses, it also provides touch therapy for veterans. Marcus said that there are a few veterans who have regular therapy sessions scheduled. Others will visit the farm as needed “if they are having a bad time.” Marcus said that the farm is planning to “expand by the end of this year or early next year so we can offer more services and get more of the community involved.”

Rescuing horses and helping and supporting veterans is both a time and financial commitment for the Battin family. Although the farm has some outside financial backers, the Battins provide the majority of the financial support. “It’s something you’ll never get rich off of. You have to love what you do and be willing to help.”

Piece of Advice and/or Encouragement for Future Team 1 Team Members: Marcus would encourage future Team Members to have perseverance and commitment, and good things will happen. “Just stick with it. Team 1 is a great place to work, and there are always opportunities for advancement that come up.”

Random Question: What’s the right age to get married? “30,” Marcus said emphatically. “Give yourself time to get established.” He admitted that he was only 26 years old when he got married; and in hindsight, “I would have waited.”

Contact Info

927 Elliott Road
Albion, Michigan 49224-9506

Phone: (517) 629-2178