Team Member Profile

Tasha Pritchard

2024-07-18T09:06:05-04:00August 9th, 2023|

Profile of Team Member - Tasha Pritchard “Building an exceptional company is the result of building exceptional teams with exceptional people.” Team 1 Plastics, a plastic injection molding company for the transportation industry, has been and continues to be a successful company because of our exceptional [...]

Danielle Sheldon

2024-07-18T09:07:14-04:00October 18th, 2022|

Profile of Team Member - Danielle Sheldon “Building an exceptional company is the result of building exceptional teams with exceptional people.” Team 1 Plastics, a plastic injection molding company for the transportation industry, has been and continues to be a successful company because of our exceptional [...]

Linda Allen

2024-07-18T09:13:32-04:00February 23rd, 2022|

Profile of Team Member - Linda Allen “Building an exceptional company is the result of building exceptional teams with exceptional people.” Team 1 Plastics, a plastic injection molding company for the mobility industry, has been and continues to be a successful company because of our exceptional [...]

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